How to choose right Backend technology for your project?

The backend or server-side technology involves far more layers than any front-end technology and includes everything from the operating system (OS) to the web and app servers and database to programming languages to frameworks.

Selection of the right tools or tech stack helps your development team build fast and deliver great quality products. Similarly, choosing the wrong backend technologies stack adversely affects your team's productivity as well as the quality of the project. So, selecting the right backend tech stack is essential.

A few questions to get you started on your journey to choosing the right backend tech stack for your project:
  • What are your business use cases? Clearly think through the kind of business problem or challenge you are aiming to solve with the website or product. What are the functionalities you need to build? Does the website or application need to support a large user base? Or, are you building just a prototype of the product?
  • Do you intend to take a mobile-first approach? Will the product run across both iOS and Android? Or, do you need the app to run just on one single platform?
  • How easy and comfortable is it going to be for your development team to work with the backend technologies that you intend to invest in
  • Does the tech stack meet your security requirements?
  • How much the tech stack will cost?
  • How well-established is the backend technology?
  • You will also like to consider the short-term and long-term impact of your choice
Backend Technologies
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), Ruby, Perl, JavaScript, and Kotlin are some of the most popular programming languages that developers use to create robust and scalable web and mobile applications. To enable your development team to build and optimize your digital landscape, it is essential to choose the right set of backend technologies that fit your business goals and help you deliver compelling user experiences.

The LAMP stack is quite powerful and refers to a set of open-source software that developers leverage to build scalable and secure websites and web applications. LAMP tech stacks typically consist of the Linux operating system, the Apache HTTP Server, the MySQL relational database management system, and the PHP programming language. Then, there is WAMP, which is a variation of the LAMP stacks and has been designed for the Windows platforms. There’s also MAMP which runs on the Mac operating system.

In addition, tech stacks also include frameworks that help accelerate software development by empowering developers not to have to write all their code from scratch. Python/Django and Ruby on Rails are among the most popular choices for frameworks to develop next-generation applications.

Wrapping Up
To ensure a successful web application or mobile application project, it is important to select the right backend technologies. However, you should not solely depend on what you read online to decide on the technology stack. Instead, you should use that information to help you understand the technologies, their pros, and cons, and to decide on an ideal backend development partner.

You should expect to reconsider your decision in the future, too. Technology changes rapidly, and the right decision for last year’s project may not be the right decision now. Take time to review your technology choices periodically so your dev team can continue to work their magic creating a great product.